
Please Pray

Hello all of my friends (and Polish mystery)! I just wanted to drop a quick note asking for your prayers. Tonight is our first info/open house meeting for Hopecity Church. I cannot even explain how excited I am. My husband has been working like a mad man filing legal documents, opening accounts, choosing logos, networking (meetings, meetings meetings), and writing out at least 27 drafts for our vision and mission packets. That has all been exciting, but having people gather for the church plant just seems to make it all more real. It's a scary thing, this decision to branch out, roll up our sleeves and start a church. From the starting line all church planters are told of all the odds stacked against you. There are few guarantees that it will work. There are few promises that you will have an income a year from now. It's scary....and thrilling! We can do very little to cause our church to grow, thrive and to reach the unsaved, but that is what makes this adventure great. Where we can do little, God can do MUCH. Will you pray for us today? Will you pray that the exact people we need to reach SE Portland would hear from the Holy Spirit and join us with confidence? Will you also pray the the exact people needed to stay and support our sending church will hear from God and stay? Will you pray for our pastor and my husband as they share tonight? Will you pray that a precedent and atmosphere of faith would be set tonight? Thank you so much for your prayers and for joining us on this journey. I'll be posting an update on all that happens tonight soon. Loves to you all!