
Drive By Blogging...

Hello All! We're keeping ourselves quite busy this week selling fireworks for youth camp (if your local come see us at 82Nd & Foster in the Fred Meyer lot). Brian and I are thrilled the week is cruising by...vacation is so close we can taste it! woo hoo!
I just wanted to take a quick moment and share with you a fun new link. I discovered this blog through Flower Patch Farm Girl (follow her and you're guaranteed a bright spot in your week). It's called August Fields and it's gorgeous! Make sure to have a napkin nearby because you may catch yourself drooling over her kitchen. I'm just sayin'.
There's a giveaway on their right now for some super fun art by Katie Daisy. (I'm crossing my fingers because she has a few prints that would be perfect in Elli's room.) So jump on over and check it out.

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